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Upon entering the Sim you will be prompted to allow HUD Experience. Please accept it so that you can create the character and access other functions that you might eventually need in roleplay.


The HUD will self attach and detach as you come and go, so no need to worry about storing it in your inventory. 


Now for the HUD itself, it is rather simple, where things are exactly what they appear to be. 


















































A few things to note, your application does not tie into the HUD. 

The Faction menu is not functional, we simply unsure if we will eventually use it or not so we do not want to delete it and lose it. 


Lastly the Dice is pretty simple, you will see once you click it either on the menu or the HUD quick button. Once you do, the prompts will explain how it works, which as follows: 

1. You enter your action.

2. Enter your dice bonus (0 to +25).

3. Submit and see results. 











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