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All cultures have a creation myth, most cultures assimilate the beliefs of conquerors, losing their own history and accepting new versions of it. Thus the true history of The Fallen World is lost mostly to time. Most religions have similar themes running through them. Wars in heaven, battles or games between various gods. Presented here is the true history of the Fallen World. This serves as background information only, none of it is known by any characters in its entirety.


The Cosmic Cast

  • The Eldritch, A.K.A The Elder Gods, are colossal beings who exist just outside of the known universe and are beings of unknowable alien motivations.

  • The Gods, Created by the Eldritch to shape the universe according to their taste.

  • The Faeryn, The genetically engineered servants of a technologically advanced race that existed in the previous universe. The Faeryn were designed as mortal beings, however their time locked realm means that time passes infinitely slower there. Their mortal minds are unable to remember more than two or three centuries worth of memories, they have forgotten what they were designed for and have incorporated many medieval  myths and folklore tales into their society, they now believe they are magical creatures that were once gods. 


The End Is The Beginning , The Beginning Is The End

  • The masters of the Faeryn create a pocket dimension to escape the coming of the Eldritch harvest.

  • The Faeryn lock their masters out of the pocket dimension and leave them to face the Eldritch harvest alone.

  • The Eldritch consume the universe, a process that takes billions of years.

  • The Eldritch eject the matter and energy of the old universe  from which the current universe is made from their bodies.

  • The ejection consisted of the digested remnants of the previous universe. 

  • The Eldritch make the Gods to order the random matter into a much more appetizing or appealing form. 

  • Not even the Gods are aware how many times this has happened previously.

  • The Gods theorize that the Eldritch had to create the Gods so that the Eldritch could eventually consume what the Gods created. It is unknown to the Gods why the Eldritch desire universes to be ordered in such specific ways. Either the ordering makes the universe more digestible or more appetizing or it could be that whole process is a form of Eldritch procreation. Either way it is a matter of great debate among the gods.

  • The Gods were as many, and had many names, one God could have a hundred aliases throughout the millennia. Some religions would call them angels, others would order them into pantheons. They were often twisted, a shadow of the Eldritch that created them.

  • At Creation The Gods as they were, toiled for what to them seemed like six days and six nights, of course a night and a day to a God, is two billion years to everyone else, and a billionth of a second to the Eldritch.

  • Every god had an area of responsibility, a creation they alone were responsible for. When the most supreme of the Gods created a new form of life called man. The rest of the gods took notice. They saw that this creature had infinite potential, it could be the salvation of this new universe, an end to the cycle of  Eldritch destruction, or it could be the doom of the universe and hurry it to its end.


Man Gazes Into The Abyss , and the Abyss Stares back.

  • For a time human kind avoided the notice of the Eldritch gaze. Such insignificant ape like creatures could hardly pose a threat to beings that had the power to devour universes.

  • Several gods, used this period to try to teach man universal secrets, and help him use magic and craft wonders of technology.

  • With this knowledge ancient man built a tower of technology and magic that had the power  to gaze  into the deepest parts of the universe and seek knowledge in the stars.

  • This tower was called Babel. Mans hubris sought a higher power than the Gods, they wanted answers, they sought the God's creators.

  • Man found the Eldritch, they saw the eyes of the universe, countless as the stars and deeper and blacker than the deepest ocean look back at them.

  • The sheer mind-numbing horror drove those early men into the depths of insanity, they gouged out their eyes and cut off their ears and ripped out their tongues so that they may speak no evil, see no evil and hear no evil. The Gods raised the tower of babel to the ground, and enacted a curse of language upon man so that he may no longer communicate in one tongue and share the ancient secrets of magic and technology that the Gods had taught them. Then came the great flood, a flood sent to drown babel and her citizens, to erase her from history of the world. Of course tales of Babel would be told orally, although these tales would lose detail over the eons and become a mere fable by the time the story was transcribed into religious texts.

  • While he was searching the stars for the Elder Gods man had unwittingly created a portal between the Faeryn pocket dimension and the Earth. The Faeryn began to explore the earth.


Rise Of The Nephilim, The Birth Of The Demi Gods

  • The Gods sensed the presence of the Faeryn, these creatures were not meant to be present in the current ordered universe, they were left over from the previous, they feared the Faeryn may interfere with mankind and hasten the end of creation.

  • Some gods argued they should destroy man and speed him to his end.

  • Others argued they should elevate mankind and exalt him to near god status.

  • The remainder argued that man should be allowed to pursue his own destiny with no interference from the Gods at all.

  • The Gods who wished mans accession mated with human females while in their godly forms . These women then gave birth to the Nephilim, the Nephilim or Demi-Gods to give them their correct name, were supremely powerful beings, possessing both a human soul and the spark of god hood.

  • Those gods soon gained a following among mortals, cults flourished and fought in their patrons names.


Birth of the Vampire 

  • The Nephilim lived a thousand years and fought among themselves for supremacy, they formed cults and started empires. Some of them were captured by human cultists who would feed upon their blood. These human cultists would inherit what was to become the curse of vampirism. Each vampiric bloodline can trace its origins to the Nephilim blood  that carried the curse. The Lamia for instance trace their origins to the Demi-god /Nephilim "Lilith"


Birth of the werebeast

  • The Nephilim cults often fought, against one another and sometimes would defile the alters or places of worship of rival patrons. The patrons did not look kindly on these acts and would often levy curses against serial offenders, the longest lasting of these curses is the curse of the beast. In these early wars the birth of the werebeast came to those that had defiled sacred sites, alters and animals of the demi gods. A curse so powerful it would be carried down the defilers blood line, and to those who survived the claws of the cursed ones.


The Faeryn Conquest of the medieval and The Birth Of The Daemon

  • The Faeryn left the pocket dimension during the medieval period, their biologically augmented bodies gave rise to the myths, legends and folklore that exist during this time frame, the Faeryn having long forgotten their true origins,  began to organize their society to more closely match the feudal society that existed during the medieval period. 

  • The Nephilim and the Faeryn engaged in a bloody and brutal war, the Nephilim while more powerful than the Faeryn lacked the numbers to truly compete. A truce was called and the Faeryn and Nephilim agreed to meet in the ruins of the Babel in the year six hundred and sixty six.

  • The Faeryn used powerful magics to bring the ruins of Babel crashing down upon the Nephilim, burying them alive.

  • The Nephilim unable to feed themselves would after many days die from starvation, but their spirits, containing a human soul and the all important spark of the gods was not so easily destroyed, the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim became Daemons. They continued their war against the Faeryn via use of human hosts and eventually drove the faeryn back to the pocket dimension. The Faeryn however still visit earth from time to time, though in far fewer numbers than during their medieval occupation.

  • For over 800 years man was mercifully free from the attention of the preternatural on any large scale, of course Faeryn still visited, Daemons Still took hosts , Vampires fed , the dead wandered and the Were -Beasts would cull. Most of the evils of the world such as slavery and war were solely due to mans own evil , but so too were acts of heroism and kindness.


The 20th Century, The Day The Earth Shook

  • On Wednesday, April 18, 1906, the coast of Northern California was struck by a major earthquake.

  • The Earthquake  cracked the earth, caused a tsunami and many great fires. Up to 3000 citizens of San Francisco were killed in the tragedy.

  • Little did anyone know that the Earthquake occurred simultaneously across every planet in the known universe. The Daemons felt the quake in their spirit realm, the Faeryn in their pocket dimension, the Vampires, Were-beats and Sorcerer's felt it too... What the quake was, who knows, some scholars theorized it was the death cry of the God's , others feel it was the start of the Eldritch Harvest, the truth however is unknown. While humans began the great process of rebuilding their fallen city, the supernatural would send forth scouts to investigate ground zero and see what they could learn.

  • Investigations have thus far been fruitless, the supernatural groups  battle among themselves for resources for their encampments. Some supernatural have put aside racial differences and aligned themselves to the Eldritch, foolishly believing the Eldritch will spare them when the end times come. Mortal cults too have formed for the same purpose.

  • Mysterious "Others" scout the land , these are Eldritch Abominations that Favor the dark and deep hidden places of the Earth and the sea. Kidnapping mortals and destroying supernaturals where they encounter them. Their purpose and the fate of their abducted victims are unknown.


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