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 Humans are the most numerous denizens of earth but most them are rather oblivious to their magnificent potential. They are divided in their beliefs and have misinterpreted vast majority of things beyond there understanding, and yet they are still the most dominant specie on the earth. 


Their creation happened so long ago and their lives so short that this ancient history is all but fragmented myths for them. They are a brilliant creation of Gods who then left them without answers. This led ancient humans to seek out answers, which resulted in Tower of Babel, a beacon that was meant to find God. It worked, opening the gate into depth of universe and it's horrors looked back, the Eldritch have took note of Humans and how unique they were. While not the strongest, nor immortal, something about them was unique, a potential that in time perhaps may change the course of creation or lead to its destruction. 


The Tower of Babel ended in disaster, and earth was marked as a point of interest of things from very void of space.


The year is 1955, the humans have grown, advanced, became smarter, and built ideas out of what they knew, mostly discarding the preternatural as myths. Yet despite all that, human race still yearns for something beyond of what they know. The religions were made out of the limited exposure humans had with Eldritch and the Gods, calling them by different names through history, but never fully hitting the mark in their assumptions. 


Then there those that have discovered the preternatural beings, and even greater things and their lives have been forever changed by that. Will you stay oblivious or find your way to truth? 




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